Showing posts with label Polymorphism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polymorphism. Show all posts

Thursday, 2 February 2012



Polymorphism means same operation may behave differently on different classes.
Method Overloading is an example of Compile Time Polymorphism.
Method Overriding is an example of Run Time Polymorphism
Does supports multiple inheritance?
No. A class can inherit from only one base class, however a class can implements many interface, which servers some of the same purpose without increasing complexity.
How many types of Access Modifiers.
1) Public – Allows the members to be globally accessible.
2) Private – Limits the member’s access to only the containing type.
3) Protected – Limits the member’s access to the containing type and all classes derived from the containing type.
4) Internal – Limits the member’s access to within the current project.

Method Overloading

Method with same name but with different arguments is called method overloading.
Method Overloading forms compile-time polymorphism.
class A1
void hello()
{ Console.WriteLine(“Hello”); }
void hello(string s)
{ Console.WriteLine(“Hello {0}”,s); }

Method Overriding

Method overriding occurs when child class declares a method that has the same type arguments as a method declared by one of its superclass.
Method overriding forms Run-time polymorphism.
Note: By default functions are not virtual in C# and so you need to write “virtual” explicitly. While by default in Java each function are virtual.
Class parent
virtual void hello()
{ Console.WriteLine(“Hello from Parent”); }
Class child : parent
override void hello()
{ Console.WriteLine(“Hello from Child”); }
static void main()
parent objParent = new child();
Hello from Child.

Virtual Method

By declaring base class function as virtual, we allow the function to be overridden in any of derived class.
Class parent
virtual void hello()
{ Console.WriteLine(“Hello from Parent”); }
Class child : parent
override void hello()
{ Console.WriteLine(“Hello from Child”); }
static void main()
parent objParent = new child();
Hello from Child.